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研究方向: 慢性肾脏病早期防治,狼疮性肾炎,高尿酸血症肾损害






1, Chen W, Tang X, Liu Q, Chen W, Fu P, Liu F, Liao Y, Yang Z, Zhang J, Chen J, Lou T, Fu J, Kong Y, Liu Z, Fan A, Rao S, Li Z, Yu X*. Short-term Outcomes of Induction Therapy With Tacrolimus Versus Cyclophosphamide for Active Lupus Nephritis: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011, 57(2): 235-44.

2, Chen W, Liu Q, Wang H, Chen W, Johnson RJ, Dong X, Li H, Ba S, Tan J, Luo N, Liu T, He H, Yu X*. Prevalence and risk factors of chronic kidney disease: a population study in the Tibetan population. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 May; 26(5):1592-9.

3, Chen W, Chen W, Wang H, Dong XQ, Liu Q, Mao H, Tan J, Lin J, Zhou F, Luo N, He H, Johnson RJ, Zhou S, Yu X*. Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Adult Population of Southern China. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009 Apr; 24(4):1205-12. Epub 2008 Oct 24.

4, Shi Y, Chen W*, Jalal D, Li Z, Chen W, Mao H, Yang Q, Johnson R, Yu X. Clinical outcome of hyperuricemia on IgA nephropathy: A retrospective cohort study and randomized controlled trial. Kidney & Blood Pressure Research 2012;35(3):153-160. doi:10.1159/000331453 Epub 2011 Nov 23.

5. Chen W*, Liu Q, Liao Y, Yang Z, Chen J, Fu J, Zhang J, Kong Y, Fu P, Lou T, Liu Z, Ji Y, Li Z, Yu X. Outcomes of Tacrolimus Therapy in Adults with Refractory Membranous Nephrotic Syndrome: A Prospective, Multicenter Clinical Trial. American Journal of the Medical Science. 2013 Feb;345(2):81-7.

6. Chen W, Liu Q, Chen W, Tang X, Fu P, Liu F, Liao Y, Yang Z, Zhang J, Chen J, Lou T, Fu J, Kong Y, Liu Z, Li Z, Yu X*. Outcomes of Maintenance Therapy with Tacrolimus versus Azathioprine for Active Lupus Nephritis: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Lupus. 2012, Aug;21(9):944-52. Epub 2012 Mar 21

7. Fan L, Liu Q, Chen W, Tang X, Fu P, Liu F, Liao Y, Yang Z, Zhang J, Chen J, Lou T, Fu J, Kong Y, Liu Z, Li Z, Yu X, Chen W*. Tacrolimus is an alternative therapy option for the treatment of adult steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome: a prospective, multicenter clinical trial. International Urology and Nephrology. 2013 Apr;45(2):459-68. doi: 10.1007/s11255-012-0205-1. Epub 2012 Jun 9.

8. Wei X, Xu R, Yang Z, Li Z, Liao Y, Johnson R, Yu X. Chen W*. Novel Uromodulin mutation in familial juvenile hyperuricaemic nephropathy. Am J Nephrology. 2012;36(2):114-20.Epub 2012 Jul 7

9. Liu Q, Li Z, Johnson R, Yu X. Chen W*. High prevalence and associated risk factors for impaired renal function and urinary abnormalities in a rural adult population from southern China. Plos one. 2012;7(10):e47100. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047100. Epub 2012 Oct 9.

10. Li Z, Liu Q, Mao H, Li Z, Dong X, Liu Y, Lin J, Chen W, Wang H, Johnson R, Yu X. Chen W*. Gender difference in the association of hyperuricemia with chronic kidney disease in southern China. Kidney & Blood Pressure Research .  2012; Aug 29;36(1):98-106. [Epub ahead of print] (doi:10.1159/000341486)   

11. Zheng XH, Liang MJ, Chen WF, Chen WY, Huang FX,Jiang T, Chen W*, Yu XQ. Unusual cause of acute renal failure from acute pyelonephritis due to Klebsiella pneumoniae in a young woman. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013 Apr;126(8):1597

12. Chen W, Roncal-Jimenez C, Lanaspa M, Gerard S, Chonchol M, Johnson RJ, Jalal D. Uric acid suppresses 1 alpha hydroxylase in vitro and in vivo. Metabolism. 2014 Jan;63(1):150-60.







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